This a testimonial from one of our customers.
As a new mom, we are used to hearing a lot of different types of recommendations, what to take to the hospital for the birth, what to do in the first days, how to calm the baby, how to train them so they start sleeping 12 hours (every new parent dream) this also comes along with diets, creams, exercises to recover our body, etc. If you’re a new mom or you’re about to be one, you’ll get me.
But I was never told until I was in a lot of pain that my hand and back was going to suffer that much after giving birth. I started suffering or wrist pain, I was told because of the many hours I breastfeed and hold the baby with the same hand I developed carpal tunnel syndrome, so I needed to use a Wrist Brace for a long time, even after I stopped breastfeeding my baby when I came back to work; our body takes quite a time to recover.
I was just starting to recover, when I started to have a lot of back pain, yep! my baby was already six months, he was bigger but he was not starting to crawl yet and he wanted to be held all the time, that pass a toll on my back, and no only mine, my mother and my nanny went through the same. So a tip for that, if you still can, start working on your abs and back muscles, it will help. For me, it was too late but Jaiyou saved me with the back brace, it gave me that extra support my muscles were not able to provide, plus it helped me to improve my posture, just like to my mom.